Visibilty in inline lists

Is it possible to make an inline list and then differ the visibility per day / item?
So 5 days of content for everyone and day 6 for only paid members?

Could use a different tile image for premium days. Do you want it to function differently or just have a different look for those special days?

Yeah, as you see in the picture Day 6 and Day 12 have a freemium only symbol.
What I would want is: if people click on that they see it when they are a paying member and see ‘please pay’ when they are a free member.
I could make a long list of detail component and then treat every one of them, but I like the 3 on a row tiles, the ‘advent’ feel to it.

I don’t think you can control whether or not they can click into the details for specific list items, but you can set the visibility on the components inside the details to only show for premium members.

That would be enough! I want the free members to click on the paid images too :wink:

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Right. Premium members get tagged as such. Visibility settings: show when premium member is true, for example. For different images…use an if then that results in a different image URL based on the premium tag…I like where you’re going with this.

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So I have one sheet with the users free / premium.
I have another sheet with content that is partly for premium users. A column that says Free / Premium.
How do I make the Premium ones visible for the Premium members? In visibility I can only choose the content columns. I cant say ‘If user is Premium show content that is Premium’.
I know it’s possible but how?

Do a multiple relation between the two. Do a lookup grabbing the email addresses of premium. Base the visibility off that lookup where lookup is signed in user.

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Thanks my friend!

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I have got it up and running, Robert! Nice one!


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