Visibility! Hello Glide Family. I can't see some of my Text Components

Hello everyone,
I need some real help. Our app was working fine but now when I look at the “Layout” view it is not showing all of the text components. However if I select the “edit pen” I can see the text entry. I’ve watched the fast talking “Visibility Condition” video multiple times and went to the component I want to make visible again and select “Options”. I then selected “Show when Intervention Code/ Description is not empty” and still nothing happens.

PLEASE praying for a late night response.
Thank you!

Is there any value in the column for the component to show, or is the column empty?

Everything is filled with data I just can only see it when I hit the “edit” pen and its in the columns in my Google Sheet but it’s not viewable.

Can you show some screenshots showing the component in the left hand panel, how it’s configured, any visibility conditions on that component, and the value it should be showing?

Hi Jeff,
I hope I got all the shots you needed.


Still a little confused. If you can describe each image, that can be helpful. Otherwise I’m just looking at a clump of pictures and trying to connect the dots myself.

So far, what I’m getting out of it is that your description column, which is visible on the edit screen, is not visible on the detail screen. However, I’m also not seeing any components that would indicate that you are attempting to show the description on the detail screen. All I see is a Title component and a few Collection components. Show me which specific component on your detail screen is supposed to be linked to the description column in your table. So far, what I’m getting out of it is that you just haven’t added a component yet to display the description.

If I’m looking at the wrong thing, please explain exactly what I should be looking for.

Hi Jeff,

Thank you,

So you’re correct in that on the edit screen I can see all the components that I want displayed as seen in Image #1 (sorry, I accidentally sent multiples).
In image #1 I highlighted the Intervention Code/ Description when I selected the Text Entry on the left. Therefore on the right hand side you can see the corresponding information.

Skip image #2

Image #3 shows what is being displayed and you can see the Intervention Code: title but not the information below that can only be seen in the edit screen.

Image #4 shows what is displayed when I hit the “Options”

Skip Image #5

Image #6 just shows the “Edit Form” information

Skip Image #7

I hope this is clearer.



Which component in the left hand panel represents that Intervention Code? Also, which column is it attached to in the table?

Hi, I hope you can see in this image on the right hand side you can see the [MH] in the intervention spot.

That’s the Edit Screen. Aren’t you talking about the value not showing on the Detail screen? I want to see which component is supposed to be showing the value on the Detail screen, and how it’s configured. I’m not worried about the Edit screen.

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Ok, sorry.

I also added this new #REF! in case this means anything.

The #REF seems like a separate issue, but I’ll address that first. It looks like that may be an unrelated column based on the name. Second, since it’s an arrayformula, you can’t edit column values, otherwise it will break the formula. Third, all of that can be done in glide without the need to build an arrayformula in the sheet.

Now back to your original issue…your component is pointing to ‘column 6’. What is that? Is that supposed to be the column with the #REF that is currently blanked out because the formula is broke?

Yeah, I noticed “column 6” and have idea where that came from. I just when in and changed the Column 6 to intervention code and it popped up.

Hi Jeff,
You’re correct. I had a copy of the Table saved elsewhere and the column had a named “Colored Intervention Code/ Description” with written in fx bar as follows ={“Colored Intervention Code/ Description”;arrayformula(if(E2:E<>“”,substitute(SUBSTITUTE(E2:E,“[”,“<b style=”&Char(34)&“color: #0C75E8;”&char(34)&“>”),“]”,“”),“”))}

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for trying to help but I was able to get my regular Glide guy to fix it. Still waiting to understand what happened but at least its fixed now.

Thank you for your time and effort.


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