I am looking for a simple way to make a button visible once per user daily. Basically I want users to be able to input their own scores once daily, once they’ve logged their daily score I want the button visibility to turn off. Any suggestions?
On the tab where your button is you can create a template column with the “current user email” and the name of the activity the will submit. Something like this: Email-Activity/RowID.
On the submission tab, create another template column matching the email and the activity. Again Email-Activity/RowID
On the tab where your button is, create a relation where CurrentUserEmail-Activity matches Email-Activity on the submission tab.
Then, set button visibility to only visible when that relation is empty.
Sorry I’m sort of new to this. If I’m understanding correctly, you’re saying that I should have two separate tabs in the app?
Right now I’ve got it set up as a form button in a single tab. Each day the user logs in, submits the form, then (ideally) the form button disappears until the next day when the same user can return and submit again.
Now I literally just feel like I’m probably wasting your time and I should do some prerequisite reading / videos. Here’s the way I’m interpreting what you wrote. I’m 99% I’m doing it wrong.
Haha I’ll chime in… in the template area, don’t select a column… literally write in what @ThinhDinh wrote above using the Custom option. The variables you pick there get defined below (which you’ve done correctly!).