
I want to add a video from videoask. The video doesn’t work with the URL. How can I do this?(maybe with the code). The video I wanted to use is : Pitchez votre activité en vidéo
Thank you very much for your advice.

You should upload it to Firebase or Youtube.

Hi, Come_Gaillard.

Don’t use the original videoask link. Click play then “Open video in new tab”.

Grab the .mp4 link. In this case it’s

I was able to display the video in my test app.


Hi @Come_Gaillard,
You can also try the new Web View with your link (although this is still in testing).
The problem I have is that when one presses the reply button, it opens in a new page rather than staying in the Glide app. It would be nice if the whole interaction happened inside of Glide.

Hi @ilias92,
Thank for your answer and for your time. Unfortunetly, the link isn’t available. Anyway, I have found a solution.

Hi @ThinhDinh,
Thank you for your answer. Your solution is working well on my app. Thanks for that.

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Thank you @eltintero for your answer.

Hello @Come_Gaillard
What was the solution you found?