Video Upload Issue

Hi There,

On my glide app I have several links to YouTube videos that work great. Now I have added a Google Drive video, I am having issues.

The videos show on the glideapp website for editing, but do not show on the actual app on your phone. the link is there, but the image shows is a black image with a play button and a line across showing error.

I have set the link up on the drive for sharing ‘anyone can view’ as well as ‘anyone with the link can view’. I have set the item up as a link and video component.

Any input appreciated!

did you use HTTPS instead of HTTP in the url ? I had the case, so… :slight_smile:

yes, have HTTPS in the link…

Also, when the videos are set as links they work fine, when they are set as a video they do not work on the phone. Just Glide App Web Page.

Can you share your app or one of the links that isn’t working?