Video hosting alternative to google drive? Get Share Link of multiple videos at once

Hello, I’m exploring various video hosting options for my Glideapps. Currently, I’m using Google Drive, which is highly convenient as it enables me to select all the videos and generate shareable links for them at once. These links can then be copied to my spreadsheet in alphabetical order. Since I need to share 100-150 videos daily, this feature is crucial. Does anyone know of another video hosting platform that offers similar functionality?

Is there a reason you don’t upload those directly to Glide? Mainly because of the storage limit?

Hello ThinhDinh! Mainly for two reasons: One is storage as you said (I need to upload 10gb every day), and the second is Google Drive allows me to select all the videos and generate shareable links for them at once (instead of clicking in each video to get the link). As I need to share +150 videos every day this feature is pretty crucial. Do you know of any platform with this feature?

Not that I aware of. Hope someone else can chime in.

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