Very Strange Issue With User Specific Boolean

I have a glide (not Google) sheet of “updates” that allows users of my app (private with email) to add updates on things. One of the update columns is a user specific boolean called “read”. In the “update feed” a user will see updates made by users other than them which THEY have not currently marked as “read” (hence the user specific setting for the “read” column).

ISSUE: When a user accesses the app from their phone and their desktop (same user but different device) the “read” column is not synching, almost as if they are separate users?

Any ideas?

Strange, would like to hear more on this. I do check both devices from my side once in a while but never at the same time so I have not seen this behaviour.

Hi @ThinhDinh thanks for the input. Just to be clear:

  • My app uses Glide Sheets exclusively
  • It is private with email
  • The “read” column is user specific
  • This column seems to have a different value depending on the device the user accesses from

You do have this scenario in your app(s) but have not seen the issue?


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To be clear, I have not used two devices at the same time. Let’s say if I allow them a time to “sync” then it works as normal.

Understood. Thanks. I am not seeing any sync of this user specific column irrespective of how long I wait. That’s a cause for concern I think. Let’s see if any of the Glide Team can shed some light. Cheers.

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I would expect that behavior on a Public app with no sign in, but not in your situation with Private with Email.


@Mark so you have any ideas? Thanks.

Morning @Mark / @david - are you able to shed any light on this please? I am stalling on a customer at the moment. Thanks.

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@Mark is this better handled via an email to support?


Sorry about the delay.

A fix for this is going out on Tuesday.


That’s ok @Mark. In a way I’m glad it’s a bug as I’ve been thinking it was me. I will tell the customer and try again next Tuesday. Thanks.


I recently made a post about this and I think this is the fix I’m looking for. Looking forward to Tuesday! Need the userspecific boolean!


@Mark did this get fixed today? I am still seeing the issue I think.

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I can confirm that this is still NOT fixed today, as far as I can see. Is it supposed to be or is teh fix not yet in place? Thanks.

Just trying now … and maybe it is fixed? My user-specific columns had disappeared, but when I recreated them, the correct functionality seems to be in place. Is this expected behaviour @Mark?


Yes. The bug we fixed was that they weren’t created previously - it just looked like they were.