VERY ODD BUG! Two forms, One screen, and different values!

Here are two buttons, on the same screen.

Here are my default values for the Reply button:

Here are my screen columns for the reply button:

Here are the default values for the ‘Show Form’ button

And here are the default values for the ‘SHow Form’ button

My question: Why am I getting different values when both buttons are on the same screen???

The values coming from the ‘Reply’ buttonn are completely off. They’re from a completely random sheet that has nothing to do with the current sheet/screen.
Can someone fix this bug?


Please let me know if/when there’s a fix.

Are they simply form buttons or you have any custom actions with it?

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@Pablo_books Please email

Please send us a Support link so we can take a look at your app. We won’t be able to change anything in your live app, as we will only have temporary access in a sandboxed environment. Check out the GIF on how to get the code. (see GIF for how to find it.)

!! Also please tell us who the signed in user should be, to demonstrate the problem, and how to navigate to the specific area of the app where you are having the issue. !!

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You have a great point! The faulty one (the Reply button) has a custom action. The ‘Show Form’ one does not.

This probably is a compound action bug…

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