Using ImportRange to Export Emails in App:Logins to Another Google Sheet

Hey Gliders, is there a way to export emails logged within the App:Logins tab to another Google Sheet via the IMPORTRANGE function. I can’t seem to get it to work, and I think it’s because there’s that colon in the name of the tab.

Thanks for your help!


Something like this should work.

={'App: Logins'!A:A}


@ThinhDinh be like


Ahhhh, the space after the colon. Excellente! Thanks so much!


For anyone who wants a unique list of emails from their App:Logins tab, just plug in this nifty code into another Google Sheet. Be sure to replace the sheet URL with your unique url for your sheet.

=unique(importrange("","App: Logins!B2:B"))

Have a great weekend everyone!


If you’re getting it to another sheet within the same file:

=unique(filter('App: Logins'!B2:B,'App: Logins'!B2:B<>"")

Hey @Thinh @spencerb

I am trying to copy the info from the App: Sales (the one generated by Stripe) tab to another tab within the same file, so glide can see it. Do you know about any formulas that I could use?

Thanks guys!

You can use the same method as above, just replace the ‘Logins’ part by the ‘Sales’.

I tried this one but it only brought back a name. How do I change it to get all the info?

=unique(filter('App: Sales'!A1:N,'App: Logins'!A1:A<>"")
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It worked really well!


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Do you know how I could accomplish this with IMPORTRANGE? I’m needing to bring this into an entirely separate Google Sheet file. What I have above works right now, but can’t figure out how to add in the part you gave to filter out blank ones.

Thanks for your help!

It should work with this.

=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("Your sheet ID","Range to import"),"SELECT * WHERE Col1 IS NOT NULL")
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Thanks, that works, but it’s not giving me unique instances. I tried adding UNIQUE in between QUERY and IMPORTRANGE, but it doesn’t work.

You can add the UNIQUE before the QUERY, I imagine it should work.

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Boom! That worked! Thanks so much!

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Great work

Just wondering if you would be able to have one line for each user and then increment the login count by 1 every time the user logs in therefore the new sheet would be


Login Count

  • 12


Login Count

  • 27

And maybe last date logged in

Cheers :beers:

I think there can be 2 approaches for this.

  • Duplicate the App: Logins tab, make a relation matching the email column to itself, return multiple matches, then use rollup columns to get the count (login count) and latest (last date logged in).

  • Use an incremental arrayformula for the login count and an arrayformula combined with sort for the last date logged in.

I imagine the first one would be way easier but if you guys need the second one let me know.

Even if we had email and total count (not date) that would be great

Quick show of what can be done with a QUERY.