👥 Users Onboarding template

Hey gliders! :saluting_face: hope you’re doing good!

Many people asked me for it and here it is!

Improve your users’ experience with the new User Onboarding template!

The User Onboarding template is a complete solution for creating a personalized onboarding process for your users. With it, you can offer 3 different onboarding options:

  1. Welcome video: A custom video that introduces your app and its key features.
  2. Simple steps: A step-by-step onboarding process that guides users through the key steps of using the app.
  3. Independent steps: An onboarding process that allows users to choose which steps they want to complete.

The User Onboarding template is perfect for any type of app. It is easy to customize and can be adapted to the specific needs of your target audience.

:sparkles: Features

  • Choose from three different onboarding options: welcome video, simple steps, or independent steps.
  • Customize the onboarding content with your own images, text, and videos.
  • Track user progress through onboarding.


  • Personalized and engaging onboarding process.
  • Easy to use and customize.
  • User progress tracking.

:iphone:Examples of use

  • E-commerce apps: Use onboarding to teach users how to navigate the app, shop, and complete orders.
  • Social media apps: Use onboarding to show users how to create an account, follow friends, and share content.
  • Education apps: Use onboarding to teach users how to use the app’s key features, such as studying, doing exercises, and interacting with other users.

:pinching_hand:How to use

To use the User Onboarding template, follow these steps:

  • Buy and import the template into your Glide account.
  • Customize the onboarding content with your own images, text, and videos.
  • Choose the onboarding option you want to offer your users.
  • Publish the app.
  • The User Onboarding template is a powerful tool that can help you create an effective and engaging onboarding process for your users.

The User Onboarding template is a powerful tool that can help you create an effective and engaging onboarding process for your users.

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Check it out :point_down: