User Input Submits to Existing Row (/Choose row)

Is your relation between the item sheet and temp sheet a single relation? Set column will only work via single relation.

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You should be able to do it like below.

Add a single value column, point that to the Temp sheet, select first and “whole row” to return.

Then you can use that to write to the Temp sheet via a set column action. I actually believe that’s one of the best use cases of the “whole row” feature.


Thanks for the advice @ThinhDinh ! I implemented this as follows:

  • Created “temp data” single value column in Item Sheet, pointed it the Temp sheet and selected “First” and “Whole row”
  • Added a Set Column action to the button, selected the “temp data” column as the target, and passed a whole bunch of data from the Item Sheet to this column

But no data comes through on the Temp sheet, whether that data is structured as a user specific column or not. Can you spot what I have done wrong?

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Can you record a video of your settings for us to check?

I created a copy of the app with sanitized data to demo this - and it works there. Literally the only difference is fewer rows and a couple of client identifiers changed. Trying to debug what on earth could be causing the different behavior and then will report back.

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Hello again,
It’s me again, on a different topic :slight_smile:
I’m actually not sure I’ve found the right topic but giving it a try.
My use case is like so:

  1. one of the sheets houses activities related to clients (which are housed on another sheet, connected with a unique value).
  2. From a custom form, a user is given the opportunity to reply to an activity. This is somewhat of a follow up to that original activity.
  3. The custom form is based on a temp Glide Table with USC values.
  4. Once the custom form is submitted, I’d like it to update the original row from point 1 above. As the form is based on a temp table, I have linked that table to the original activities table. The issue is that this “set values” action is actually creating a new row on the activities table. Is there a way to update the original row from which “we came from”?
    True, the natural solution is to add another table (not temporary), which will house all replies to activities and link it back to the activities with a unique value. I’m just not sure if this is an over complication.
    What do you think?

Why do you want to update the activities table though? Shouldn’t a reply to that activity be housed on another table like you said on the last paragraph and then linked to the activities table through the activity ID or some sort of unique field?