So Cloudinary doesn’t require the user to upload anything other than what they have already uploaded to Glide. When a user uploads to Glide, you get a URL for where that image lives (these firebase image URLs that Glide creates). These are stored in the Google Sheet in whatever column you’ve designated. So with this information, you can easily create your own Cloudinary URL of that same image processed. That Cloudinary link will look something like this:{parameters for image manipulation}/https://{glide image url of that image}.jpg
Cloudinary goes to that Glide image URL (which you have stored in your sheet). It downloads that image instantly into your Cloudinary account, and it places those manipulation parameters onto it.
So in your case, creating a panorama carousel would simply be creating Glide Logic that takes that one Glide Uploaded image and places onto three Cloudinary prefixes:
1 -{parameter that crops the image to the first 1/3}/https://{glide URL for that panorama image}.jpg
2 -{parameter that crops the image to the middle 1/3}/https://{glide URL for that panorama image}.jpg
3 -{parameter that crops the image to the last 1/3}/https://{glide URL for that panorama image}.jpg
As you can see, the only difference in the three cloudinary URLs is the change of the manipulation parameters. The Glide URL at the end of the Cloudinary URL stays the same. And you already know where that image is. You have that URL in your sheets. You don’t need to store the Cloudinary URL anywhere. You can create those using IF THIS THEN and TEMPLATE Columns.
Does that shed a bit more light on the Cloudinary process?