Upload image action not triggered

Describe the bug:
In the app, I use the ‘Image’ component to display image/picture.
I use the ‘Action’ of the component, ‘Upload Image’ action, when the image is clicked.
Since this morning, the ‘Upload Image’ is not working anymore. It doesn’t do anything.
I didn’t change anything on this app recently and was able to reproduce on a very simple app used as sandbox for testing features.

Expected Behaviour:
Should open the Upload image, when clicking on the image.

How to replicate:
Add a ‘Image’ component on a screen, add an action ‘Upload image’ on this component.

Thank you for the help.

Hi @Julien. Bummer. That doesn’t sound right. Let’s get you up and running again. Can you send a loom video or screenshot?

Screenshot below, clicking the picture should open the picture upload choice.

Are you clicking on the image itself, or clicking on the floating upload button at the lower right hand side of the image?

This should be fixed by now.

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It is indeed fixed. Thanks for the support.

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