Updating my Airtable API connection 1 issue. 1 question

So, I’ve seen a few places (Airtable API Key deprecation) where it’s showing that I can use Oauth to link my Airtable account using Airtable’s new rules.

  1. I can only find how to do this when I add a new Airtable Connection (which makes me think I’m going to have to rebuild and re-link everything that uses Airtable)

  2. Whenever I try to link my Airtable I get the following error.
    Screenshot 2023-09-11 at 1.17.51 PM

Is it true that I’m going to have to rebuild everything?
Is anyone else having this issue?


I had this issue (you mentioned my post in your message).
It was fixed and I didn’t have to rebuild my apps.

I was using Airtable API to connect to Airtable and wanted to switch to OAuth connection to anticipate Airtable API deprecation.

So I added the OAuth connection to all the apps that connected to Airtable.
At some point I had 2 connections to Airtable in my apps : the API connection and the OAuth connection.

For some reason, I could not remove the API connection by myself.
Glide support did it for me. And now I connect to Airtable using OAuth and it seems to be fine so far.

But your case might be different because I didn’t see the error message you are showing. So maybe, you should try again to add the OAuth connection.


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