Updates and Edit Screen

When does an Edit screen use an “Update” per Glide? (e.g. Show Edit screen)

For example, if I have a table/row with a boolean that is toggled on and off during the edit process but the action is “Cancel” rather than ‘Submit’…did this toggle cause an update per Glide?

I assume that only Submits causes an Update via ‘Set Col Value’-liek action but I can be wrong.


An Edit form will only trigger an update when you submit the form because that is the only time that the data is sent to the database in Glide’s server.

Are you using a Set Column Value action On Submit of the Edit form???

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Am not using a Set Col Value - leaving that up to Glide.

But…I do NOT want a user to be able to edit all of the row information since the object goes through multiple stages. In stage 1, they have a choice of 2 types of edits. Based on their choice, they have a choice of 2 other edit stages.

For example, if they close the event - they can not edit any other fields. If they follow-up on the event they can convert it into a marketing activity OR a sales activity. If they choose sales activity they have to close it out - either win/lose.

I currently do this by setting an EDIT FLAG (which is User Specific - does that entail another update?) before calling Show Edit which hides/shows the appropriate options based on this FLAG to limit the choices. There is only one Show Edit screen per table and that is why I hide/show options so I can re-use the submit/cancel capability of Glide Edit for each “type” of update.

I have been testing different ways to do this (limiting editable items based on the current state) without setting the Edit Flag to save 2 writes (when I set it and when I clear it). Yes, I can save one “update” by just not clearing it.

Unfortunately a user has 2 choices and if they accidentally select one Edit path and than change their mind and select the alternative path; both will be updated since I do not know how to selectively clear a field in a Show Edit screen. In this example they can accidentally close the event before going back (before Submit) and correcting the mistake by entering the follow-up date. However, both close and follow-up dates/events will be updated in the record upon submit since there is no way to programmatically clean up the accidental close date entry.

Long-winded response…I have it working with a big Show Edit screen and the Edit flag.

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