Unable To Trigger Rich Text Action

Hi all,
I am trying to replace the page title with a clickable navigation element using the following code.
It is successfully changing the text to an image but not allowing me to click the element to trigger the action. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you

<pre><span><style> [class="sc-gfarJg cgmkPt"]{content:url("https://storage.googleapis.com/glide-prod.appspot.com/uploads-v2/BXlPICOah3cTivfugF23/pub/4zTryFNyMnTJwrYr90KB.png")};

That’s because the action is assigned to the actual Rich Text component area


I am very new to CSS. How can I correct this?

I don’t think there’s a way to achieve this🤷

can i see the screenshot?