Unable to link excel files in shared OneDrive folder


I can’t seem to be able to connect an excel file that is in a shared OneDrive folder to Glide.

So far, I’ve successfully built a Glide Page that is connected to a file on my personal OneDrive.

Unfortunately, Glide doesn’t see the shared files in my OneDrive. When I click on New Project, then click through to the “Select a source” section and choose excel, the only options that I have are files in my personal OneDrive. I can open and edit the file that I would like to connect in Excel Online (which is what the Glide suggestion below the files says).

Has anyone had this problem and do you have any solutions?

I’d like for my whole team to have access to Glide Excel files.
Picture attached.

Thank you!!

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@SantiagoPerez can you confirm this with the team? Thank you.

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Was there a response that was provided on this matter?
I have the very same issue.