Turn Your Glide Data Into PDFs (native DocsAutomator integration)

Hi @D_M, Barcodes are stored as SVGs in Glide currently. DocsAutomator only supports JPG and PNG as of now, but I hope to support this soon! Best, Rupert

Actually i did my research and found easy way to insert barcode into a DocsAutomator template. U have to create a template column in glide data (https://barcode.tec-it.com/barcode.ashx?data=[yourCodehere]&code=Code128&translate-esc=on) insert ur SKU value into those brackets, and then in my DocsAutomator template i simply create a (image_sku_150) thing an voila my barcode appears there


Amazing @D_M !! Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

Any news on whether DocsAutomator supports relations → dynamic lists?

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@Robert_Petitto Unfortunately not. Maybe @Jason can give us an update! :slight_smile:

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Standing by for that update. This would be super powerful. Workaround works well though.

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Hi @tyler_1, including line items is now possible :slight_smile: Single line item tables as well as multiple line item tables. Please see the following demo videos:

Single line item tables: https://youtu.be/ov-2xXliqxQ?si=aH7U29mWRtLIhXtU

Multiple line item tables: https://youtu.be/TdVuZPjfZq0?si=yHb2FyufUe6383qM

Let me know if you have any questions re. this!


How did I miss this! Integrating today. Thank you.

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Awesome @tyler_1 :slight_smile:


Was able to quickly create a huge report for an APP I built for members of a Jiu Jitsu gym. The Gym uses it to track attendance to classes and allows its members to track their promotions and see the notes of classes like a learning tool.

The report created lists every class they have attended, line_items to the rescue.

I will be integrating this soon with a logistics company I am building an APP for that will generate receiving documents, orders, shipments, and BOLs.

My hacky way before has now been replaced by gold. Thank you.


@tyler_1 Amazing!!! :muscle:

I’m getting an error “Could not generate PDF” and I have no way of knowing what exactly is wrong.

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@tuzin Please reach out via chat so we can get this working again :slight_smile: The issue in your case is that the line items table has more or less than two rows. Happy to fix this for you quickly

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