Turn Data into Outcomes (Event), Select Mode returns, GPT-4o in Glide AI... and more ⚡️

Hello Gliders!

I’m back from family vacation with a fresh sunburn and a bucket of updates to share with y’all. Plus: a special shoutout to the NoCode UK team for hosting their first ever conference in London yesterday.

Let’s get into it…

Event: Transforming Data into Business Outcomes :calendar:

The team at Elementum are experts at turning data into outcomes. Join co-founder and COO David Blonski as we talk about leveraging data to make your business operations run faster, smarter, and cheaper.

RSVP for next Wednesday, May 29th at 12pm ET / 9am PT

Take Glide to Work month continues :computer:

Our Glide to Work Giveaway continues through next week. Share Glide with your peers and colleagues for a chance to win a new MacBook Pro and hundreds of $$$ in Glide account credit.

Check out Glide’s updated Template Gallery :framed_picture:

We’ve overhauled our entire gallery to better showcase the available Glide app templates and give you more useful information about what each template does.

Check it: Browse templates created by the Glide team and the Glide community.

New Glide features, fixes, and updates :star2:

Related to our new Table and Data Grid collection components:

  • Added tag and choice columns to Data Grid
  • Added column type icons to the Table and Data Grid components
  • Added accent options to buttons in the Table component
  • Added “back” pagination navigation to the Data Grid component
  • Table navigation actions now default to current screen
  • Table choice columns now show values when they’re not actually options
  • Fixed Table component styling across different themes and containers
  • Fixed Table and Data Grid header styling for non-sortable columns

The rest:

  • Select mode returns! Now you can configure components by clicking on them in the editor preview and in the component tree. :partying_face:
  • New Glide AI > Generate Text > High Power v2 option uses GPT-4o
  • Increased Call API and Glide AI default timeouts to 5 minutes
  • Improved the clarity of update consumption/usage on custom actions
  • Experts with an Agency plan can now transfer apps to teams on trial plans
  • Fixed collection row sorting when hitting a reload action on queryable data
  • Fixed a bug with zip codes on data imports to Glide Tables
  • Fixed edit condition visibility for lists and other collection styles
  • Fixed a UI bug with collection filters on slide-in screens
  • Fixed UI performance on iOS, particularly for horizontal scroll interactions
  • Fixed a bug with missing groupings in the Kanban component
  • Fixed a minor issue with custom filters hiding tags on Kanban cards
  • Fixed an issue with action history not saving individual action steps
  • Fixed a security bug with emails triggered from public apps
  • Fixed an issue with failing Google authentication
  • Fixed an issue with sending group/channel messages to Microsoft Teams
  • Fixed performance issues with Lookup columns on Single Relations
  • Fixed a bug with single-value columns not updating
  • Fixed Glide app template previews on mobile

New resources from Glide and friends :handshake:

From the community :raised_hands:

Have something to add?

That’s it for this week!

Stay in the loop by following Glide on YouTube, LinkedIn, and X/Twitter.


What a remarkable post, chalk full of really helpful information. You sir deserve another vacation! :beach_umbrella:


Europe here I come!

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