Transfering images from glide table to glide table


I have some images on a Glide table and would like to transfer them on the Glide table of another app, is this possibile?


Itā€™s just a url. Change the column type to text, or add a template column that returns the url of the image column. Then copy and paste the urls.

thanks Jeff, but what if there are multiple images like this:

From, To, or Both?

Sorry what do you mean?

So you want to transfer images from a multiple images column to a multiple images column in a different table?


Hm. I think this may only be possible by using a set column action through a relation column. Whatā€™s the purpose of transferring the images? Are you trying to do a one off transfer because youā€™re cleaning up your database, or a are you looking to allow some sort of in app functionality that saves these images to a new table on demand?

I have different clients with different apps and I keep the developments on 1 main app. From time to time I upgrade all other apps by duplicating the main app, changing the data sources etc. From when I implemented this multi image/file feature i am having this problem.

Duplicating the app/ data table shouldnā€™t require you to transfer anything thoughā€¦

I guess it could be a multi-step process.

  • Joined List to convert the multiple image array into a comma delimited string of text.
  • Copy that comma delimited text to the other table.
  • Split Text to convert it back to array.
  • Set Column action to move it to the Multiple Images column.
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Right. This would be the solutionā€¦still donā€™t understand the problem though :sweat_smile:

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ā€œDuplicateingā€ as in ā€˜making the same change in each separate appā€™???

Yes because I duplicate ā€œApp Aā€ into ā€œApp Bā€ then connect ā€œApp Bā€ to its previous Google Sheet so the client has his data. After doing so I still need to copy/paste the clientā€™s data that was present in his previous app in Glideā€™s tables. I can copy and paste everything except this multi images column

No, this would mean replicate all developments into many apps. So what I do is I develop on 1 app then I duplicate the app with the duplication option (3 dots on the app)

Got it. Well, thereā€™s no way to copy and paste arrays into array columnsā€¦so only way in glide is to recreate the array using a join then a split and then setting up a collection with a set column action on each row that saves the split into the multiple images column.

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Interesting but the last step I donā€™t quite understand: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

Thatā€™s where @Robert_Petitto was saying that you need to set up a temporary collection with a Set Column action on your appā€™s front end and click through every item to transfer from the Split Text column to the Multiple Images column.

One day, when we have looping actions, this will be less of a headache.


Thank you guysšŸ™ @Robert_Petitto @Jeff_Hager

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