Tracking the numbers of visitors to/views of my app pages? (without having people sign in)

Hi everyone I have a free app that I would like to know how many people have used/are using. I don’t need/want to have people sign in so just counting the number of visitors is ideal, I just need the number of ‘page’ views and not unique visitors.

Does anyone know if this is possible?

Thanks all,

Hi Simon,

Yes its definitely possible. You can achieve this by creating a landing page on your app with a button on homepage that takes them to the rest of the app.

You can add a customized action to that button which can increase the counter of visitors.

However, without sign in, you won’t be able to keep a track of unique users visiting to your app.

Hi @Hassan_Nadeem , that sounds like a great way to do it and I don’t need to know the numbers of unique users. Is this easy to do? Do you know where I can find some instructions/guides on how to do this?
Thanks, Simon

Can you show me how the homepage of your app looks like? Its quite simple

Hi @Hassan_Nadeem , this is the home page…

Hi @Hassan_Nadeem I think that I have worked it out by creating a landing page tab and a button that has 2 custom actions - increment visitor count by 1 and go to home tab.

Is there a way of not having the Landing Tab showing on the menu bar once people go to the home page?

@Hassan_Nadeem I think that your way of having a button on the homescreen that takes them to the home tab might be better so any info on how to do this is appreciated :grinning:

Add a user specific column in your landing page table, let’s call it ‘landing visibility’. Add a set column value in your flow and set the value of the new column to something like ‘true’. Then set a visibility filter on the landing page tab where the tab shows if ‘landing visibility’ is empty.

Hi @Eric_Penn thanks for this and it could work.

Unfortunately I can’t seem to set the visibility from anything other than the ‘user’ options (even if the source for the tab is the landing page table)?

Any ideas what I am doing wrong here?


Hmmm I was just thinking out loud without being in front of my computer. You’re right… tab visibilities are only from user profile data. I’ll have to think about that one.

Pull in the user-specific landing column to your users table with a “Single Value” column. As long as they’re setting the landing value from a button on a detail screen that isn’t filtered, use “get first” for the Single Value column.

Hi @MegannLock thanks for the reply. This might take me a bit of time to workout how to actually do this but I will give it a try, many thanks, Simon

I think the problem is that your users aren’t signed in, so you don’t have access to a user profile row, which is the only thing you can use to control tab visibility. So I think in your case, there really isn’t a good way to hide the tabs unless you implement some CSS to hide the tabs until the user clicks on something to disable the CSS, causing the tabs to show. But then you still have a landing tab, and the only way to hide that would probably be to have so different CSS that has to be on every single screen and would hid the landing tab. I’m not sure how well that would all work, but could be a lot of work if you need to hide that landing tab.

Another thought is to use only your Home tab to navigate. You would only have one tab, which causes the bottom tab bar to be hidden. The only problem here, is that you would have to convert all of your other tabs to screens, since you can’t navigate to tabs that are not visible in the app. Then you could have a single button on that home tab that increments a number, and then sets a user specific value that would cause the rest of your buttons to display and hide the original button. Then the user would navigate using those 4 buttons instead of using tabs.

Another thought is to do the same as above, but keep you navigation using tabs. But instead changing all of your tabs to screens, you would keep the tabs, bring the user specific value from the landing tab to all other tables using a single value column, and use that to hide or show all components on the screen of the other tabs.

I don’t think any of the options are ideal, but I would probably go with the second option, which would require you to reconfigure all of your tabs to screens.


I agree.

Create a simple home page with one button. It will bring users to next page which will have 4 different buttons or you can design some catchy navigation on Canva.

If you have already done a lot of work on the other tabs, just copy the components from that tab, and paste it on to the new screen that you will set up but make sure the screen source is pointing towards same sheet. @SimonD

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