Tracking employee leave (days/hours) under different categories

Hello, I am creating an app that tracks employee requested vacations & other types of leave. There are several types of “leave” (Sick days, vacation, etc) and each one has a limit per year. I would need to create some sort of counter to keep track of the types of leave every employee is taking and if they are going over their annual limit.

To start I have a sheet dedicated for employee leave requests and it contains details like employee name, time they are leaving and coming back and type of leave. I was thinking I would then be able to associate the leave type with the employee name and be able to count how many days/hours they have under that specific leave type, then relay that information back to the main user sheet so that I would able to display under their profile a count of the different types of leaves they have taken and if they had gone over their annual limit.

I am having a hard time figuring out how to make that association and count the amount of days/hours under the different types of leave and was wondering if anyone can give me some inspiration.


Hi @Mou89

Do you have a recording where you show what you have?

That will make it easier to help you get what you need.

Here’s my loom recording: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software

Hope it helps! Thanks