Track Button Click by Signed In User

I’m quite sure we have a similar app/setup…we decided to let the Business Owners decide on expiry dates and # of offer claims available, however we update them in-app/in-sheet. We have more control that way, however tedious it may be.

So that yes, only 100 offers are available, and no matter when someone claims an offer, it will always expire at the end of the month (thanks to Jeff Hager’s glide/math wizardry, Darren knows what I’m talking about :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::nerd_face:).


Oh nice! Yup, I will be discussing dates of numbers with the owner.

For the number of offers available, you just add that number to your ‘available’ column right?

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How will I bring these two ID’s over? I know probably not google sheet array since I got mixed up on favorites with that. :relieved:

Yes. We also have all the offers in an inline list, so that if “available” of a specific offer = 0, then it is filtered out of the inline list (then users won’t get excited to see…an unavailable offer :flushed:).

Like @Darren_Murphy said, it is worth thinking about everything you might possibly want to do with an offer, and build in an option for them all (unless there are any that are ruled out completely).

Far easier that, than having to add them after the event. I’ve just come up with an idea with the app I’m building, it is going to take a bit of work, but will give me far more flexibility down the road.


You don’t “bring them over”, they will already be there when you add each row to that table…

When you use the “Add Row” action, you have the option to use any column from your User Profiles sheet.

Instead of this can I just keep the available column in the offers sheet? Essentially just adding an ‘add row’ action to redeemtion sheet to the multiaction.

Yes, that should be okay.

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