To Put Math Column Values in my Google Sheet Column

Hello dear Friends.

I am writing you for asking you something about Math Column.

I need that the value that I got from the Math Column can be visible in a Google Sheet column, what is the correct process to do this?

Thanks for your help.


as my humble knowledge of Glide is… I think that only basic columns are seen by GoogleSheets. Every calculation column is Glide exclusive column.


My Friend @Mozza, I thank you for your comments.

There are a few different ways to approach this.

Probably the easiest would be to replicate the formula in a new column in the Google Sheet, assuming that all columns that are needed are present in the Google Sheet.

Another way would be to have an action that writes the math column value into a basic column, that would then sync with the Google Sheet. But that would require the user to do “something” - tap a button or similar.

Any time I think I need a computed column value in my Google Sheet, I always stop and ask myself why?
Usually after thinking about it a bit, I discover that I don’t really need it there at all.

So I’d ask the same question - what will you do with the value once it’s in the Google Sheet?


Dear friend @Darren_Murphy, I thank you so much for your help and support. It was useful for me. I understood that it is not necessary to have the information in my Google Sheet.
