Title: How to Make Fields Required in "Show New Screen"

I have created this interface on Glide.
As you can see, the first column contains the date, and the rest of the columns contain the allowed booking times.
These columns are buttons that open a new screen of type “Show new screen.”
When this interface opens, there are two fields that the visitor fills out along with a “Complete” button.
However, I couldn’t make these fields required, and I also couldn’t make the “Complete” button required to proceed with the entered data.
Can you help me with this?


Any ideas that could help me accomplish the task?

Is there a reason to use “Show New Screen” instead of “Show edit screen”?

I cannot use the edit screen for a single appointment; instead, the edit screen will be shown for all appointments throughout the day.

For example, on June 8, 2024, if I use the edit screen, it will display the edit screen for all appointments (10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, …).

Actually, you can set a column value for your button action according to the hour selection to the usc column. Then two usc columns for your input fields. And set the action on the submit button for the choices and input that has been filled in to be input into the appropriate column.

Firstly, thank you very much for your response and attempt to help me. However, I didn’t quite understand what you meant. Is there a video or example that could clarify it for me? Thank you again.

I am discussing the use of the edit form.

  1. Here you need to create 3 USC columns to hold temporary data. One to handle the time data from the selected button, and two or more for additional data you need.
  2. Add a custom action to the button in your table with the settings to set column value and show the edit form. For example, when your user presses the 10:00 AM button, assign the value 10:00 to the USC column that handles the time.
  3. Set the button condition to be active only when the status is not booked.
  4. On the form page, add 2 fields you need (linked to the corresponding USC columns), such as USC columns for name or address.
  5. Set an action on your submit button with the condition to transfer all data from the USC columns to the designated columns.

I hope you understand. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.


Oh, this is amazing! Thank you. I successfully completed the process. Thank you for helping me

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