Is this another new (unannounced) release?!
Just saw this today, so excited!!! We were just talking about this @John_Cabrera!
@david, @Mark, @JackVaughan I’m sobbing Thank you!!!
I’m glad we finally got to this one, @John_Cabrera. Sorry for making you wait this long
Even in 2023, when you’re rolling out your AR components, this will ALWAYS be my favorite new feature.
We’re on a roll today.
The one day I’m actually active on this forum is coincidentally the same day Glide releases 1000 new features. Glad to be here
Why is that? (I’m curious)
Glad to have you!
Stick around more often! But not too often or we’re going to have trouble keeping up with so many releases if you show up every day
Because selfishly, the app I’ve been developing on Glide this year has desperately needed it. And doesn’t need AR. And I thought that would be a snarky, hyperbolic way of saying that.
Makes sense
Sometimes with feature releases I miss use cases, either provided in the opening topic or in the comments.
Admittedly I lack imagination here (though the release is nice for sure!).
Use cases min length
Make mandatory
Min length may be a validation method (various ID strings/numbers, etc.)
Use cases max length
Improve display of entered text (choice components, headlines, etc.)
I need it to limit characters for usernames, post titles, and post text. Anywhere we don’t have text wrapping, this will help display issues by limiting characters. SOOOO happy rn.
- zipcodes…must be 5 char exactly
- Student_id…must be 6 char exactly
- state code…limit to 2 char
- emoji…limit to 1 char
Probably the most familiar use case is the one that made Twitter a thing.
Oh yeah, usernames for sure. Gone are the days of someone choosing a username like “a”.
When I have an optional field with min length 0, I am not able to submit the form with this field blank.
I have to, therefore, set the min length to -1 to make it work.
Good observation
@david @Mark So. Just to add the icing to the cake . Why not “throw in” RegEx support for text fields? Just a simple, optional text value associated with a text field to hold the RegEx string. This would then be checked for match just like min / max. Then we could address all sorts of field requirements e.g. serial numbers in a specific format, post (zip) codes, even number of decimal places (often required in clinical forms). Go on … you’re on a roll!