Character limit on Text Entry

Yeah, that was my feature request from the first week the feature request app went live. sigh. My gut tells me that despite so many exciting new features coming before the end of the year this isn’t one of them, because character limiting is something more common in larger social products. And from the recent messaging in the pricing threads, I realized there is heavy focus on private enterprise apps atm which don’t often need character limiting (it’s more common to limit strangers).

I’ve just gone ahead and started to script my own form hosted on my own site and presented through Webview (trying to match the Glide style). Just for a character limiter lol. I’m not sure exactly how it’s going to work, cause when users open a form my form will be in there in Webview with its own separate Submit button. I guess they’ll tap my Submit and then Glide’s cancel button… trying to figure out some solution.

But cool to see that my request has 12 votes and a comment! I haven’t been in that Feature request app in months.

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