Template Columns Not Working Correctly

I’m using the template column type to combine the first name and last name columns into a full name. I used First Last and linked First to the First Name column and Last to the Last Name column. It works fine for the top record showing Joe Smith for example but then every other row shows Joe Smith regardless of what is put into the first and last name columns. I’m very new to this but I read the documentation and watched videos about this column type and it seems straightforward. Not sure why every record is showing the same name. Maybe it’s a bug? I’d share a screenshot but I’m not at my computer atm it’s just driving me nuts.

Now wondering if it being the user profile table has anything to do with it? The name it’s showing is the currently logged in username. Seems like that’d be a dumb way for that to work though.

Sounds like you are using User Profile Row values rather than values from the current row.

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