Switching Glide Big Table to Regular Table

Somehow one of my main glide tables is a big table, but it has some limitations. Is there a way to switch it to regular table while maintaining user specific columns, and row IDSs? because so many things already depend on this

I don’t think there is a way to convert it.

As Jeff says, there is no direct conversion. The best you can do is recreate the table as a regular table and then export/import the data. You can import the RowIDs, but you only get one shot at that. There is no way that I know of to import user specific values.


bummer. thanks

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follow up question: I’m looking for a workaround so that I’ll be able to sort randomly although I’m using big tables. Any ideas?

Tried to think about it but there doesn’t seem to be a straightforward way to me.

Not sure if there are any ways to use a computed column as a sort, your closest option is Roll Dice.

Or maybe just add a rowID column and sort by it, but it isn’t really random and you can’t re-generate it.

Thanks so much for taking the time to think about this.
I think I will just spend the time transferring my big tables to regular tables.
Appreciate your help

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