SVG Files

The following app is to demonstrate the issue of not being able to load SVG file using image picker component

My app’s URL: Bugs and Issues

I have use this POST to pluck a SVG file that works.

Using the above example - I created another SVG file which i uploaded here - using the image picker component uploaded the same SVG on my laptop - result - no image displayed but if copy shareable link to the IMAGE field in my Sheet - then it works.

Unable to understand why?

Grateful if anyone can throw some light on this one.

I don’t know much about SVG, but it’s my understanding that it’s not exactly an image file. It’s XML markup text that browsers interpret to generate an image by drawing all the points, lines, and colors based on the text. If you open up an SVG in notepad it looks like this. It’s not a binary file like an image.

<svg width="75" height="32" viewBox="0 0 75 32" fill="none" xmlns="">
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Thanks Jeff. I am aware of SVG formats
My question was that the Image picker does not work for SVG files. If i were to add the link manually everything is fine.

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@aor: I am also unable to use svg files. Have you figured out a solution besides using an alternate format?

Could you not use the file upload component instead of image upload component?

Thanks @Cmstewart42 . Direct file upload works (See image). However, direct file upload is just cumbersome when you have multiple files to upload. Also, I am using a Dropbox to host files.

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Are you trying to let the users upload multiple files in a single go?

@Cmstewart42: No, just multiple images uploaded by me on my dropbox with link in my google sheets