Hello Gliders,
I am asking for your help. In my data table I have a list of transactions from different countries and i want to monitor the threshold related to EU countries as a whole and separated by each EU state.
I created a If->Then column “EU check” True or false for EU country
I created a Query filtering by the “EU check” if EU is true - but i wasn’t able to aggregate the Amount to get the sum
I then tried to use the Rollup function with the previous Query’s > Amount but i can only calculate Count but not Sum.
Now I am stuck… can anyone help me to solve this?
Thank you very much
This usually indicates that the source column is not a number type. So that is the first thing to check - make sure the column type of the values you want to sum is a Number type.
Thanks Darren,
this already helped to solve the “sum” issue.
I could do now queries and rollup for each EU country - but isn’t there an easier way?
And secondly If I add another transaction data sheet - is there a computing way to combine both into one (same data structure) new summary data sheet ? I could only find computing fields for columns.
Thank you!
I’m not exactly clear on how you are doing it now. What I would do is have a separate table that lists the countries in a single column, one in each row. Then add a single query + rollup column to that table. That’s about as simple as you can get, I think.
I would advise against that. Creating separate tables that hold essentially the same data is a bad idea with Glide (or any database for that matter), and will always come back and bite you eventually. Keep it all in a single table, it will be much easier to work with.