Suggestion to Re-layout the Sign-in Screen

Hi Glide team,

Based on my experience
Mostly the app user prefer to sign-in with Google

We suggest to re-layout the sign-in screen
Provide the Sign-in with Google as the primary

Thank you,
Bontang - Indonesia


Not sure if they prefer Google everywhere though. When I work with some clients they tell me that their users have no preference for Google emails at all and would rather use their work email.

It would be nice if this was configurable.


Depend on clients customer database
In my case, mostly they prefer Google

Best case, as Darren said, is Glide let us put the button where we want to.

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That is the best solution
Hopefully this will happen soon :star_struck:

Imagine being able to resize those buttons. Or even change their shape.


I’m bringing back this feature request. If the order of the options can’t be configured, as Darren suggested, could Glide team reduce the vertical space between email field and Google sign button? Some users don’t seem to see the Google button in their phones

Can you tell us on which device did it happen?

I understand the problem is not the device. What happens - at least in Chrome - is that when you go to the sign-in screen, the cursor goes right to the email field, and the onscreen keyboard hides the Google sign-in button. Only the Continue button remains at sight

Does this only happen in Classic Apps? Does it happen on the new Glide Apps? If it’s only on Classic Apps then I doubt it will be fixed.

Yes, in Classic Apps. In the new App works ok

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Yeah, unfortunately since they are sunsetting Classic Apps in near future I don’t think there will be any fixes on that front.

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