I have 2 Glide tables; USERS and CREATORS. (the pic is gSheet just for illustration.)
I’m trying to let “USER’S” subscribe to “CREATOR’S” via an inline list. For 2 reasons:
1: So USERS can add or remove a CREATOR from their current subscriptions.
2: Most importantly! To gather all LINKS from all subbed CREATORS and place in an array for that USER.
The attached tables show the end desired result.
I thought I could log subbed USERS in a column on each CREATOR’s row (not shown in snapshot) using an inline list “set column value”. Then relate the CREATOR and LINKS back to the USER table.
I can get the CREATORS related back to the USERS sheet no problem. But I can’t get the CREATORS’ LINKS back to the USER sheet.
I tried combining all row LINKS on CREATORS sheet into an array using a template. But when I try a lookup of it on the USERS sheet, the lookup won’t recognize that column (yet it recognizes all others).
Then on USERS sheet I tried separate lookups (one for each CREATOR LINK column), but the template won’t let me join them. Is there another way to join them?
Other entirely different solutions?