STOP trying to build the next TikTok! - Interview with David Siegel, CEO of Glide

Regarding the Instagram template, we always thought of it as a fun way to learn Glide, and not a way to make any money.


For some reasons, I can’t see Glide « discouraging » users to create personal apps in a way or another anytime soon. I think that the developement should consider both ways even though as of now it looks like the work apps are the most important source of revenue & development


This fun concept was a very effective one. I cannot vouch for everyone but it was the Instagram temp that made me want to toy with Glide. I am sure I still have a copy of the original.

Beyond its roadmap and business strategy, Glide properly dissected is neither business nor customer orientated; It’s for anyone and everyone (like Facebook, Instagram, tik tok, etc., but conceptually different). Not that I have anymore apps to deliver, but I too like the concept of delivering apps for anyone and everyone.
