Step by step guide to set up custom domain

I want to upgrade go glide and I choose a yearly, my question is whether it be paid lump sum or monthly

I believe it’s a lump sum payment to get the cheaper $19 monthly rate. Paying monthly give you the option to back out earlier if you choose, but but you pay the $29 rate.

@Mark , I think Jack is out…I am getting ready to set up my custom domain and I want to make sure I don’t have any issues - this video link doesn’t work…can you put it back up please?

@Mark, I found this in Glide’s tutorials but it doesn’t play - just get a spinning wheel…

The video plays for me. Does this link work?

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Yep, it does. I’m sorry, maybe I was having a connectivity issue!

I was planning to use the swap of my url when editing my live app to a maintenance app.
Of course only the live app will be pro with a custom domain, so with the DNS needing to be set up for the maintenance app, I see my method won’t work the same as when its a free app when swapping URLs.

Would you recommend redirecting the link to the glide maintenance app? I have a plugin on my site to redirect links.

Sorry I missed this one @Deena.

We made a bunch of changes to custom domain flow so I re-did that video a few times - hence the broken links.

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Do I have to delete the existing data and add the glide’s ones or do I only have to replace values of TXT, A and AAAA?

My provider has already set different CNAME, SRV, MX, do I have to delete those, or?

…oook, I got it, even though I was putting @ in the domain name entry… :smile:

Hello, I can’t find where to put the data for the DNS configuration in my provider, here you enter DNS1 and DNS2

I already followed the video instruction & added txt into my website on wix → Unfortunately, after 24 hours the custom domain of my glide app is not solved yet (tmsg-app. Actually, I expect to share my first glide app next week.

Could you inform the next solution? Thank you in advance

  • Israwan -