Spreadsheet Guru Repositories / Websites?

Hi Gliders,

My spreadsheet prowess needs to exponentially improve from it’s current state (better than most) so I can build end user friendly spreadsheet interfaces that do some slick to optimise the experience and automate functions etc.

Wondering if anyone has some great repos / websites / resources worth bookmarking and investigating?


Most of my google searches start as “Google Sheets” + whatever I’m looking to do. I don’t have any one source, but I’ve seen a few suggestions for Ben Collins tutorials. I learn best when I can apply something to my own situation. It’s just easier for me rather than learning for the sake of learning. I have also learned quite a bit just following and participating in the forum.


Yeah, I’m a huge fan of learning by doing with intent too… if we can have a thread that short cuts discovery that’d be nice… all I was thinking. :100:

Will have a look around Ben Collins tutes… :+1:

This one comes up quite often in my google searches: https://www.benlcollins.com/

Here you can find lot of tutorials. One of my best source of knowledge.

One more vote for Ben Collins, his programe is great!
Otherwise I really like (has helped a lot) the YouTube channel “Learn Google Sheets”, great content.

But as Jeff has said, the best way to improve is to start working on something, googling the issues you have / solution you need. That’s the “stickiest” kind of learning.