My goal is to allow users to enter long text in a search box, at least 300 characters, and use the terms in that text to filter a collection of items.
I saw an existing thread with this interesting video posted by @Darren_Murphy. I like that idea a lot but, if I understand it correctly, it would essentially require me to create as many Single Value columns and If/Then/Else conditions as there are terms in the user’s data entry.
If this is correct, have any new features or techniques come out that might allow me to do this more efficiently? Or is there another approach I should consider?
Below are a few notes for additional context, in case it’s helpful :
- I found a couple of threads that suggest doing the split in Google Sheets since there SPLIT function automatically does what I need. However, I worry that the resulting experience would appear broken or very slow due to the sync delay between Glide and external tables. Let me know if that’s not correct though.
- For filtering, I would want to ignore common terms like “the” or “a”. My thinking there is to create a new column containing keywords for each items. Instead of doing the match between the user’s entry and the item’s full description, I’d only compare with the keywords.
I hope the description is clear enough. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!