👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Grouping and Sorting TIPS and TRICKS

Glide currently doesn’t have a way to sort an inline list by more than one field.

So what happens when you want to group your inline list, define a sort order of the grouping AND sort within each group?

You’ll need to use some ingenuity, and a combination of TEMPLATE and IF THEN ELSE columns.


Nice. It does feel this could be native :slight_smile:



Every time I need to group, I’m slightly concerned (?) about the fiddling around I am about to go through to sort correctly. :sweat_smile:

I don’t know if this is still the case, but have you noticed when you group and then sort (alphabetically for instance), when you add an item to the list, the groups might bounce around to maintain the (alphabetical) sorting? :see_no_evil:

Ya if you look at the end of my video you’ll see it happen.


Another great video Bob, thanks.

For my 2c, I believe the workaround when you have a limited number of ‘Groups’ is to simply keep duplicating the list as many times as you have groups. You can then arrange them in the order you prefer with the title being the group. It’s a simple step then to filter each list based on the row containing the list’s respective group and of course sorting the contents based on the second criteria.

This works well and looks almost exactly like the single list with all the extra programing :wink:


Ya…agreed. This was more conceptual (and to provide rationale to Glide as to why we need more advanced sorting natively :wink: )


Just wondering if over one year on there was any improvement on grouping / sorting etc in Glide.

At first glance - there seems to be no change (I’ve been away from the app for a while)

Do we still need to do crazy workarounds?

What Bob shows in that video can now be done quite easily with the new Query column (one of the most powerful new features we’ve gotten in the past couple of years).


Ya…query helps for sure, but (to my knowledge) it doesn’t completely solve the sorting within a grouping.

I’d need to take another look. Perhaps I could share a followup video at some point with my findings.

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I guess it depends on the use case, but it does handle the example that’s shown in your video.
What you would do is sort the query column by Athlete name, then group and sort the collection by College Status.


Thanks both!

Just watched @Robert_Petitto excellent video on this. Really helpful.

I’ve been wondering if I can have something similar to a saved view in Airtable and I think I can do this with Query columns.

I’ll have a separate table called “views” then a column for each column in the main table I want to filter on - then I can add a row for each view I want and have a query column that dynamically gets the right data (using this row in the query)

Great stuff!!

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“one of the most powerful new features” ??? What else is even close :slight_smile:

Having only been a Glider for 15 months - I can’t see anything that remotely comes close to the power of Query! Pages (e.g. Glide) was a must-have to keep up with the other builders (and is a nice implementation) but Query is so simple and powerful.

@Mark @david - It is game changer for actually using the data gathered with Glide.



Would love to see an implementation of this when you have one ready to showcase

@Robert_Petitto You inspired me to set one up!

Here you go : http://filter-test.flair.london

I have this working just as I need it (almost) - it is set to open access with email - happy to make it wide open if need be. Just a test.

The only thing I am REALLY struggling with - is getting the Query column to return multiple options.

For example -

  • The “Views” table is set up with a column for “Location” and “Category” - then a query column to bring back all records from the “Schedule” table, which match the location OR the category.
  • There may be more than one Location entered (ie - Venue 1 AND Venue 2) - in which case I enter “Venue 1, Venue 2” in the Location column.
  • In the case above, I need the query to return entries with the location “Venue 1” AND “Venue 2” - but it doesn’t return any.

I have tried using a “Split Text” column - then using that in the Query - but I am not sure why, but the Query column does not allow me to choose a “Spot Text” column from This Row to use in the query.

The other issue I had, which I got round with a simple “IF Then Else” - was that if the Location in the views table column is empty - the Query returns all rows from the schedule table that are blank. So my If column just fills in some arbitrary text so that no columns are blank to get round that (but it makes me wonder if I have it set up wrong)

I am using “includes” in my query.

Would love some help getting my query to work on multiple options if possible - am rather stuck and so close!

Thanks loads,

Views table

The query

You probably should be using:

Location ‘is included in’ Location-computed.

You should be checking if your single value is included in a list of values. Not checking if a list of values are included in a single value.

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Thanks Jeff

I think that was it! Plus - I needed to change the condition in the Query to AND - not OR

Still testing it - but I think I am there. Just need to work out how to make it show “All entries” - but am fairly sure I can get there.

Thanks loads - hope his helps someone else. Thanks to @Robert_Petitto too - your videos really helped.


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Sorry - knew I was typing too soon.

I do need to use OR in the Query. Idea is that the “View” for Supplier 1 for example, shows everything for Supplier 1 - regardless of venue. Now I have changed it to AND - of course it only shows Supplier 1 - IF the venue also matches (AND - not OR)

Would you mind expanding on your comment on “Single Value” - I know that’s a column type - but don’t see how I could use it here.

I wasn’t referring to the Single Value column type. I was referring to the literal sense. For example, an Apple is a single item. A basket contains multiple items (ie basket of apples). You can check if an apple is included in a basket of apples, but you can’t check if a basket of apples are included in a single apple.

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