Speed concerns

I love Glide and have been using it to provide an app to our clients for a few years now. But I continue to be challenged by the speed in which it loads, which is a frustration for our users as well. I made a very very stripped down version of the app and still find that it loads slowly enough that most users would assume the app was blank after seeing the menu load but no data display for upwards of 8 or nine seconds. Here’s a loom showing how it performs.

This is based on a google sheet with about 5000 rows and four columns. There are no other tables or sheets and there are no calculated fields. Is this typical? Using a native Glide table provided only a nominal speed increase. It’s still about 7 seconds before data appears… Is that just the way it is?

Have you tried copying or importing the 5000 rows into a Glide table and comparing the speed?

are all the 5000 rows displayed at once on the screen? how about using pages?

Or maybe basing your main screen on a different table (a 1 row table)
displaying a message that the data will load soon when the query is empty

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Hi thanks for these ideas. I did test it with a glide table and it was a little faster but still took awhile to load. I will try the idea of something that displays before the other data loads but just wondering if my experience is typical.

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