Special Now value no longer working in Math column formulas

This is really just a heads up for others that might encounter this issue. Refer to the below video:

Issue has been reported to Glide, and I’m told that the engineering team have been made aware of it.




This has been fixed!!!


Confirmed :+1:

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Greetings, For me it was not fixed. continuous problem with a Math column I used for years. following formula:

((Now-Day(Now)+15)+I) - Day((Now-Day(Now)+15)+I)+dv

Where: Now Refers to column Mat_Data
Input I refers to column Mat_Day 1
and dv refers to the Mat_Dia Vecimento column

It’s difficult to see from your screen shot, but do each of those columns contain values?
If any of them don’t, can you show the respective formulas?

everything in the Math column to not have problems with value being text

but yes all columns contain numeric value

@Lucas_Pires. Está fórmula você que fez para mim à anos atrás. Era para ter colocado app do Fábio em produção em 11/21 ainda bem que resolvi esperar e testar mais uns dias.

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Resolved, this fórmula is OK

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