I am making an app to share all the links that I bookmark with the world.
I do it like this:
I use the Webclipper of Airtable to easily add a bookmark (titel, description, tags, url) + a screenshot of the site to my database.
I use Zapier to transform all data to Google Sheets.
I use Inline lists in Glide to show the different categories.
I have one problem. In Airtable (and in Google Sheets too for that reason) I have a column with the date and time of bookmarking.
In the inline list I want to sort not from A>Z but from Last added > first added. I don’t get that option for my date / time field. What goes wrong? Is it not possible? Does Glide not recognise that it’s date time? Do I have to do something else?
Just remember that you can always reformat the date into YYYYMMDD which allows for easy sorting. I believe Glide allows for proper sorting of date columns, but I haven’t experimented much with that.