Solution to convert your app to apk

Today will share with you how to convert you glide app to apk file for free

1- Install your app on google phone
2- install Apk extractor free app on store
3- Open Apk extractor app
4- Tap you glide app
5- That’s all
You will find you apk app on this folder : ExtractedApks


Hi! Thanks for sharing,
Could you tell us a little bit more on which are the advantages of doing this?

We could submit our apps to the Google Play Store and have users use it but with no extra maintenance required? What about push notifications? Thanks

You can add it on your website for instyalling apk without using play store.

Would it be possible to submit it on the Google Play Store for added confidente to the user? Has someone tried this? Thanks

Please check the below post step by step explanation to convert glide app to android apk, android back button issue is fixed in my solution.

click here