Side Navigation: Possible? If so, how to achieve it?

As one of the paths you can take:

  1. Create 2 USC columns in the user table: a “Category” column and an “Items” column.
  2. Image 1: Go back to your “view items” tab. Use the Collection component that functions as a button to which you can assign the action of setting the column value to the Category column. Set its visibility to be visible if the Category column is empty.
  3. Image 2: Add containers according to the number of menu items you have and set their visibility according to the category and menu item name chosen by the user, whether it’s item 1, item 2, and so on. Use the “Choice” component on the left as the item buttons and assign the action of setting the column value to the corresponding menu name in the “Items” column.
  4. Don’t forget to add a Back column to return to the first image view, which of course involves an action to clear the existing selection.
  5. Adjust the column size (CSS) so that all button displays are vertical.

What I can’t imagine is how it will look on mobile, which you haven’t explained.