Showcasing my new fitness app - Reboot Challenge

Here is a teaser video that introduces my new Glide App.

Reboot Challenge

I was asked by a local fitness instructor to create an App that would allow her to manage her Reboot courses. Typically 30 women take part and follow a customized plan for 28 days. A key feature allows the App to automatically synchronize fitness data from wearable devices like Apple Watch, Garmin and Fitbit.

These days Glide really empowers you to build beautiful looking apps with a great UX. I have included really nice community pages too with Chat components that have every classic WhatsApp features like adding photos, likes and notifications. It also has some cool AI admin features that instantly provides draft messages of encouragement based on latest member results.

If folks are interested I can share a set of screen shots beyond the teaser video.

Anyway, thank you Glide it’s been a fun project.


Great stuff @Simon_Hill!

Love the callout re: using the Chat component for community features.

What was the hardest part of building this?

Thanks - the biggest challenge was finding a way to continuously import and synch data from a variety of wearable devices into Glide. To the best of my knowledge I don’t think this has been done before. I actually declined the build since I thought it was a step too far. It took me a week to validate a solution… once done I went back with the news that I was happy to continue.

Here is a walk through of all the features:


Good stuff @Simon_Hill
I would be interested to know how people enrol to sync their fitness data. Integration with Apple HealthKit is usually for iOS apps so wondering how you managed to tap into it with a web app
Are you able to tell us a bit more?

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Sure. The workaround is to use a 3rd party App that acts as a bridge for fitness data pulled from wearable devices. As part of the on-boarding process, the fitness instructor helps each new member to install the 3rd party App - providing them with a unique login and helping them with permissions to allow the data to synch from whatever device they currently use. The instructor then updates the Glide App with the new user info, which can now fetch data for that user from the bridging app. Obviously each new member also installs the Glide App.