How to
Show text or icons on front srceen
Hey there, it seems youâre fairly new to glide. Search up Glideapps on YouTube and check some of the videos there. Youll have an idea on what to do.
Or you can go to Glide Docs for the basics
The Glide University is a good way to start.
Thank you. Leaning->start->create.
Focus â Tool name or How to â Succeed create
How to
Tool â display text or icon on front â srceen
Iâm still not sure what you mean. Can you please write in your native language so what you want to convey isnât lost in translation?
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Ok so the translation I get is:
"Create an application focused on work-related functionality. The app should run continuously and display on the top layer of the screen.
Example: An app that fetches and displays data, showing an icon or message constantly at the top of the screen (like a floating icon, floating text, or floating tab).
The user will see the icon or message at all times when viewing the screen.
Include settings that allow for multiple display options, such as positioning at the top, bottom, or as a tab, with the main goal being constant visibility for the user."
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Sorry, even after translating that to English I canât understand the scope here. Is it using chess as a metaphor to describe a conceptual application?
Hereâs what I get from Claude:
- The system has a main interface, likened to a chess board.
- It has various display options, allowing users to choose how information is presented - from very small, always-visible displays to larger formats.
- There are options for animations or movements, possibly to illustrate concepts or processes.
- It includes sound features, perhaps for narration or emphasis on certain points.
- Thereâs a video component, though its exact purpose isnât clear.
- The system appears to have multiple functions:
- Recording and storing information (like a âbrain recordingâ feature)
- Data input and output in various formats (flowcharts, books, documents, images, videos, spreadsheets, presentations)
- A feature for organizing content (like a table of contents)
- A component focused on sustainable principles, with some kind of verification process
- A âblackboardâ feature, possibly for demonstrations or explanations
- Thereâs mention of greeting teachers daily and a 3-month sound greeting, which could be part of an educational module or a reminder system.
Start first
Step 1. How to Make
- The system has a main interface, likened to a chess board.
Thank you.
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How to and tool name
Notifications â ÐÐąÐ·ÐūŅ ŅÐēÐĩÐīÐūОÐŧÐĩÐ―ÐļÐđ | Views | Android Developers
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