Can some one help me pls?
I have category… and subs.
this is just example (screen 1)
There is category and subs. In table subcategory i have category_rl col which connected with table category.
In col name - subcategories. And they devided by col category. (screen 3)
I want that when i adding new entrie from layout page, that in field (choice) subcategories will only those sub_cats that matching with their category.
Sorry for my english, i hope i clearly describe my problem
You can filter the sub-category choice component by selecting where the category in the sub-category table is the ‘Screen Value’ of the chosen category. Be sure to use Screen Value.
Ok. Thx. I tried first suggestion - it’s works, but i cant realize now how to apply it on my workflow. Beacouse, for me screen is a table, bit here screen is screen and there is new help table. So, anyway, thx
ok. Thats some kinde of my personal finance manager for income and outcome)
first prscreen - this is my tables. and central entity here is transaction.
so, i added some transaction to table to fulfill it manualy, but any other i want to add tghrouout my application.
For it, i use button add on screen (table) transaction (second prscreen)
So i want that in my table transaction will be all apropriate cols, that help me filtering data in field category in order that depends on field category (on the fly if it possible offcourse).
Now my app behave itself, when im adding new transaction, like that → i choose category, and when i open sub_cat_rt, i see all subs, and it’s not problem actualy for me, but i want filtering - that would be perfect