Show List Relations Rel to Business?

Trying to show all managers associated with this business location/ when I try and use the link relations component it shows all 4 people instead of the two that are associated with the business. Any ideas?

I think your relation is looking at the wrong column (it says “Clients” but I’d expect it to say “locations” for what you’re looking to do.

The clients are actually the managers of the locations. I don’t get what’s going on here.
Also not sure how you add multiple locations to the same manager if they manage more than one location. Use to creating drop down in like Air Table and then just selecting multiple items to associate a user with. So it gets confusing if this all starts with a google sheet, do you then have to come in here and make a multi select drop down that does not get synced back to google ?

Do you have separate sheet for the locations? You should have a sheet called Locations that contains all the locations, then the relation should relate the user to that sheet where the locations match.

If a manager has two locations, in your user sheet, create multiple columns called Location 1, Location 2, etc (just like that). Glide will group those locations columns into an array and you can use that array to relate to the Locations sheet to do your relation.

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Are you using the Client Relations relation for your List Relation component, or are you just pointing to the entire sheet Clients sheet? Make sure you are using the actual relation as the source of your list.

For your second question, when adding clients through the app, you can create a Choice component that points to the Locations sheet, so it will get a list and fill the location when adding to the Clients sheet with a matching value. Ultimately, I would use and save unique ids instead of the actual location name because if the location name ever changes, that will break all your relations between clients and locations.

Honestly, I think I would probably approach things differently since you have a lot of duplicate information in your clients sheet, unless you are fine with that and it is possible that manager information can be different depending on the location that they manage. That could be resolved with @kyleheney’s suggestion of an array column, so each manager is listed only once, and if you know they could have a maximum of say 10 locations, then you can set up an array column to handle the 10 locations. If the number of locations that they could manage could be unlimited, then there are slightly more involved ways to handle that without an array column. Just trying to prevent duplicate data that could get out of sync between rows if you aren’t on top of things. But that’s for another time. First lets figure out your relation.

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I second the use of unique IDs for the relations. It makes it possible for future changes to location names without breaking functionality. Also, if those locations were added manually, it’s possible there’s a space (or some other character) that is preventing the exact match that the relation needs. Choice components for this (where the value is the unique ID and the “display as” is the name) is the way to ensure an error-free system.


I appreciate your help… My head is spinning . Always a learning cure using new software… I am using to just storing things in Google sheets when something is associated with multiple things in the same cell separated by commas. Then when suing that data in something like INtegromat its set up for an array already or vice versa.

I agree with the duplicate information. I would rather not do that. So you are saying add a new column in the beginning here and give it an ID like 1001 1002 1003 etc… for each business.?

i updated the table name from clients to location managers to make it more intuitive

What I do not understand how do you prevent duplicate content if when using the relations module you have to have two columns that have matching content on two diff sheets…

I’m still showing all 4 people for one each location.

I have the employee template and basically copied it but with tot tally different outcomes.
Not going to sleep until i figure this out

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Try deleting that relation and redoing it with a different column name.

I got it partially working but not sure why it does not work with list. Thought on of the Glide template’s that what they did. I used relations list but it makes you go to another screen to see them instead of displaying them on the scam location page.

Do you know how to associate 1 manager with 2 or more locations? Thought someone mentioned creating an array but do not see where to do that… Can you just add all the locations the manager is associated with and put them in the same cell separated by a comma?

Arrays are created when Glide finds columns in your sheet that are numbered consecutively — for example “Location 1” is a column, the next column is “Location 2” … Glide will automatically group these two columns into an array and it will look like a single column in the Glide Data Editor.

AH… thank you for explaining that. In the event you were populating your google sheet cells dynamically from an api with this information in which the amount of data always changed what would you do? Would you have to guess on the cells and hope you don’t go over. Thought i heard someone mentions something about having over 10 options.

So lets say you were displaying Google Reviews that you were pulling from an API. The api finds 18 reviews for the day to fill your google sheet and 27 reviews the next day. How do you avoid making 30 or more columns in google sheet? This is why I thought maybe it would pick up the array if you had separated the items in google sheet with a comma but in the same cell so it wouldn’t matter if you had 3 options or 100

Thanks for clarifying

In the situation you mentioned regarding Reviews, those would likely be used with a relation that groups them together by another column, like a title column for example. For this, I would have a separate Reviews sheet, then create a relation back to the main content using the Title columns.

For creating dynamic arrays, @ThinhDinh provided a great example here: Row Owners via Dynamic Array - #12 by ThinhDinh

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