Hello everyone, everything good? I created an image gallery and wish people could share the images through Whatsapp to friends and not just the link. it is possible?
Following this! Interested in work arounds for enabling my users to share my product images to their contacts on WhatsApp! Thanks
Hi @ThinhDinh
Do you know of any alternative to do this?
Would have to ask @gvalero, @Manan_Mehta or @SantiagoPerez for this. They have good experience with WhatsApp.
Hi @gvalero @Manan_Mehta @SantiagoPerez
If you can help I will be very grateful
I have struggled a lot with this one but there’s no workaround for this currently.
The best you could do is download the image and then share.
I wish it was easier the way it is done on Meesho but I believe PWAs may not be able to do that. Upvoting this request!
What @Manan_Mehta said. There’s no way to share it directly from the app. I have also unsuccessfully tried.
As my friends have written before, send a real imagen from device’s memory is quite difficult or impossible so far. The plan B could be its shared url and send it into Whatsapp message.
here you can read further info about this:
html - Provide an image for WhatsApp link sharing - Stack Overflow
Send and Receive Media Messages with WhatsApp in PHP - Twilio
Saludos Claudio
Thank you all so much for the answers!