Hey all!
I’m currently trying to make an edit screen where new lines appears when a certain button is pressed.
Here is the custom action for it. every value has a boolean next to it. When it’s true, the next line is hidden, when its false the next line is visible. But every time I hit the button it just updates the very next row. After that i need to quit edit screen and get back again.
What do you mean by “just updates the next row”?
So you are trying to add lines to a linked table, in an edit screen?
Basically there are 2x6 rows in the screen (2x6 fields in a single row). But not all needed in all records so we will leave some of them empty. Therefore I need a button, when I need a new line to add it. It was added in the last version with visibility settings (if the row 2 isn’t empty it will reveal row 3 etc. ) but its not an elegant solution. There I wanted to customize a button for this. See pic attached
So these are workouts in a single week, and you’re trying to add multiple rows for a week based on the number entries on the screen?
I think I’m understanding what you are trying to do.
So to summarize, you have a form screen with several text entry components. You only want to show the first two components to begin with. Each time you click the button, the next two components are displayed.
To achieve this, you also have a boolean that is checked by default in the table for each set of columns. If this boolean is unchecked, the corresponding set of text entry component will display.
So based on your action flow, when you click the button it should clear the next boolean that is checked, correct?
I’m still not sure I fully understanding what you mean by this either. Are you saying that when you click the button, the second set of components show on the screen, but clicking again does not cause the third set of components to display?
If that’s true, then I think the problem is because you are inside an edit form. I think your actions might be using the boolean values directly from the table row for each IF branch, but the set column action only updates the boolean value inside the form. Your IF branches are looking at a value that hasn’t been updated yet because you haven’t submitted the form. That’s why it only works when you have to submit the form each time after you click the button.
I think your best option is to not use an edit form at all. Instead use a New Screen so you can edit the values in real time and your action branches can look at those values from the table as they are updated.
Yet only one question remained. When I open my new form from a different screen, how do I open the desired record I want to work on?
Now when you say form, do you mean you are using the ‘Show New Screen’ action? If you call that action from within the item you want to edit, and you specify ‘This Item’ in the action, then it will already be connected to the record to want to work on.
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