Service down?

No access to apps or the dashboard where I am - Australia. Any attempt to load an app results in a black screen and ‘Service Unavailable’ error. The dashboard does not load at all. Tried different browsers etc


Having issues as well. In US - Oregon
I am able to open the app as a user, just can’t access dashboard/editing screens

Same problem. Customers going crazy :cold_sweat:

J’ai le même soucis. Je suis en nouvelle calédonie

Down in Italy too

Down in the US. Please help!

Glide is aware and the status page has noted

You can follow status here :

All good in New York :wink:

Back up in Vancouver, Canada :canada:

Back in business :+1:t2:

I’m back up as well - thank you Glide for taking care of this so quickly!

Backup !